About CCT


image-4Education and Training.

We offer training, work and enterprise skills with a particular focus on Adult Education, Woodwork, Painting and Horticulture. We bridge the gaps in formal education through Computer Skills, Cookery and Literacy. Sport and Leisure Activities are also included as they help our young men develop ways of managing their free time in a healthy and enjoyable way.

Personal Development is a key component in our programme as many of our participants need to make changes in attitudes, beliefs and behaviours , this can only happen as a result of personal reflection and development.

The project works from a relationship model. The focus is person centered and individual programmes are put in place in partnership with each participant according to his needs. We try to make respectful interventions, to foster responsibility and model open and honest communication at all times.

Mission Statement

Developing a caring community with young men in Churchfield and the surrounding areas.


The Project was founded in 1994 and based its ethos on the Servol model. The philosophy which underlies the work of Servol is one of respectful interventions in people’s lives and situations.

This respectful intervention involves three principles:

  • A philosophy of ignorance, which we never assume that we know the needs of people we are trying to help. We begin by asking them how they want to be helped.
  • We must listen attentively to what they tell us and make it the cornerstone of our development programme.
  • We must not barge into the lives of people filled with cultural arrogance; rather we must try to help them through a process of respectful intervention in which everyone becomes a partner in the journey to true development.

With this philosophy in mind, it is easy to understand that Servol’s efforts to serve disadvantaged and neglected people all converge in a process of empowerment in which every programme is designed to help people take charge of their lives.
