Here at Churchfield Community Trust we believe that gardening is good for everyone! Partaking in Horticulture helps to reduce stress but also helps the body learn to respond better to stress reducing its negative effects, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure.
Horticulture improves the body’s overall physical health through exercise and through learning how to use and strengthen muscles. Horticulture has been proven to improve social and interpersonal skills, improves self-awareness and helps individuals relate better to others. Our Horticulture team engage in gardening activities and learn new skills guided by our Horticulturist. Our Garden team work in our garden located in The Garden Café, Blackpool and The Hydro Farm, Blarney.
Our garden team who work closely with our Horticulturist are happy to compliment your
Garden furniture order with items such as planters, wheel barrows and window boxes. These can be filled with seasonal flowers and shrubs on request to your specifications. Herb boxes and kitchen gardens are also popular with customers and are a great green addition to your kitchen.
Our garden team works diligently to grow seasonal produce such as tomatoes , potatoes and a wide variety of green salads, onions , garlic and fresh herbs. When in season they are supplied daily to the garden Café where they feature as part of our seasonal menu.